Thursday, October 14, 2010

mUEt bru je pas test SPEAKING..
ketar x taw nk kate lah! hahaha
dah tu dapat candidate A..
task y dpt pown x byk point..haiya..!
13 november ni jwb test2 y len plak..hope bley score :)
want to SUCCESS!! chaiyok2! ^_^

mad WIF u

aku?? ye..aku ngaku aku ni HIPOKRIT! tp bkn pLAstiK k
law aku senyum pown cam nk x nk tu...phm2 je la...aku x ske + tgh mrh mybe!
ko x yah la nk wat baek ngan aku...bkn ske..MENYAMPAH lg ada lah!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


sy suke dia...dia suke sy x??hihihi
sy suke USHA dia..gaye dia LAWAK + CoMel

x tawu lah knp sy suke there's no reason to LOVE someone rite?

nk bgtawu ke x nk?? tp shy shy miaow miaow lah nk ckp nt...hik3

mukaBUKU der..

hee..mcm biase lah..nowdays,ramai dah yang gne facebook a.ka mukabuku nih..
x kira lah tua or mude..
aku x BOSAN ngan fb ni tp...hmmm..aku ase FB ni melalaikan aku jew..
benci!benci! benci!
ble dh DEACTIVATE,ramai plak member y cri aku kan...
tambh2 plak henset aku patah dua..heee.. adik aku wat lap plak kan :)
so x bley lah nak CONTACT member2 aku sbb sket sgt number y ada ni hah.! uhuk3
soe ekin,hadi,shahril,kaloi,tyra... PEACE !!
FB is some kind's DANGEROUS!!

ape nk jadi???

hmm..fINal YeAr Project..
menyusahkan btol! benci lah kau!!
da nk dkt final exam pown kau still MENGGANGGU ketentraman hidup aku..
asyik2 wat proposal + presentation.. tak habis2!!
ni lah USER INTERFACE y aku design 4 website y aku bakal wat :)


hard to remain SILENCE but harder to confess to my CRUSH

Single is simple and couple is trouble. So let me <3  U in SILENCE!
 I find it comfortable and easy for me to secretly care for and love someone. 
he may KNOW, he may not. I don't know.hmm 
But I know one thing, love is TROUBLE when you find it annoying cuz your beloved ain't show his/her love in the way you want them to do so.
So, to love and win is the best thing. But to LOVE and lose, the next best =D
well,i know it's quite hard to remain SILENCE..but it's harder to CONFESS to HIM
Enjoy your Tuesday, guys!

i wish we can be TOGETHER!!